Sunday, September 30, 2007

Thing #7

My son was watching a movie on his HDTV using his Playstation 3. When he removed the disc, it was this tiny disc instead of the usual DVD. He told me it was a Blu-ray disc. So I decided I wanted to know more about Blu-ray, and used Google to do so. I discovered that Blu-ray is the next/newest digital video disc which has the capacity to store, record and play back large amounts of high definition video and audio and computer data. Blu-ray discs can hold about 5 times more information than a DVD. For more information refer to the following URL:

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thing #6

I explored Flickr , mashups, librariantrading cards, etc. Some of it looks like fun, but not something I would enjoy doing. I thought trading cards were very colorful and creative.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Thing #5

Lost in 23 Things: spinning, spinning

Friday, September 14, 2007


Wow! I just created/set up my very first blog. The process is interesting,but not earth shattering. As I continue with this project, I am sure it will truly be a learning experience for me because I feel that I am beginning at zero knowledge and will soak up lots of technological information. Hopefully, I will be able to apply my new found knowledge on the job and for my own enhancement.